A maternity wardrobe shouldn't have to be a huge investment. Your body changes so much throughout a pregnancy and what works in trimester one will be very different to what is comfortable when you hit those final weeks. While functionality and comfort are number one, you can still maintain a stylish look with a few key pieces. Step One - remove and relocate anything in your closet that doesn't fit or isn't practical. For example, your tight skinny jeans and body suits. Step Two - do a stocktake of what you already have. Statement necklaces, boyfriend blazers and clutch purses are my go-to pieces to jazz up an ordinary outfit. Anything stretchy, wrap around or oversized also gets to stay and pull out anything that will work with a belly - button up shirts (also good for after), jackets, scarves and all your flat shoes! Step Three - work out a budget. Decide how much you are prepared to spend on your maternity wardrobe based on your needs. Are you working? Do you ne...
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