No matter what it is on your to do list, procrastination can be a real killer when it comes to getting stuff done. Here are the key tips I follow to keep myself on task.
Do the worst thing first.
That call you’ve been putting off, the essay you’re dreading? Just start. Make the call first thing in the morning and rip off the bandaid. Draw up an essay plan (I find pretty pens and highlighters are key). Break it up (see below) into manageable steps. Once you’ve made some progress you’ll probably find that what you’ve been dreading isn’t all that bad!
Bite size tasks
No matter how big or small the task, break it up into ‘micro-steps’. It’ll be easy to get a clearer picture of what’s involved, identify anything that can be delegated and prompt scheduling of future tasks so you’re not caught off guard down the track.
Social media block out
For many of us, social media is key to our job role so it’s hard to step away completely. Throw in the working from home lifestyle and you find yourself mindlessly scrolling Instagram when you only picked up your phone to draft an email. I block out times where I put my phone in the drawer and have found the increase in my motivation and productivity is huge!
Get some fresh air
Just as important as the environment your working in is getting away and having a breather. I often go for a quick walk round the block or if bub is asleep take my laptop and go to the park. A change of scenery is often all I need!
What is your biggest distraction?
Do the worst thing first.
That call you’ve been putting off, the essay you’re dreading? Just start. Make the call first thing in the morning and rip off the bandaid. Draw up an essay plan (I find pretty pens and highlighters are key). Break it up (see below) into manageable steps. Once you’ve made some progress you’ll probably find that what you’ve been dreading isn’t all that bad!
Bite size tasks
No matter how big or small the task, break it up into ‘micro-steps’. It’ll be easy to get a clearer picture of what’s involved, identify anything that can be delegated and prompt scheduling of future tasks so you’re not caught off guard down the track.
Social media block out
For many of us, social media is key to our job role so it’s hard to step away completely. Throw in the working from home lifestyle and you find yourself mindlessly scrolling Instagram when you only picked up your phone to draft an email. I block out times where I put my phone in the drawer and have found the increase in my motivation and productivity is huge!
Get some fresh air
Just as important as the environment your working in is getting away and having a breather. I often go for a quick walk round the block or if bub is asleep take my laptop and go to the park. A change of scenery is often all I need!
What is your biggest distraction?
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