from home is one of those fairy tale scenarios we daydream about when hitting
up the vending machine at 3pm on a Tuesday afternoon. Sleep ins, phone meetings
in your pajamas and catching up on the TV soaps in your lunch break. Sounds
like a perfect work life balance right?
So, you’ve made
the step. You’ve started your own business from home, you’ve convinced your
boss to let you work remotely a few days a week or you have a new job all based
online. You’ve set up the perfect home office with the prettiest stationary
money can buy and brought yourself a big squishy leather chair usually reserved
for the CEO and top level executives. Then reality sets in. You actually have
to work. Now you have to deal with telemarketers and friends who want to pop in
because you’re usually never home. The carpet desperately needs a vacuum, the
dog wants to play fetch and the washing machine is beeping with a finished
load.This is the
reality of working from home. Where family life and work life meshed together
in an overwhelming tangle that will have you scrambling for the office security pass
and take away coffee cup.
from home can be amazing but you need to implement a few steps from the
beginning if your going to be successful.
Set boundaries. Post your office hours on the front door if need be. Let people know that just because your home doesn’t mean you’re available.
Get dressed for work. Go to your workspace, close the door and ignore the housework.
Establish a routine. Just as you would in the office, plan your day. Have a to-do list and tick of tasks as you complete them.
Network. Just because you work from home, don't let your professional network fade away. Schedule time to attend events and lock in professional development opportunities.
Schedule breaks. Designate breaks and stick to them. Don't forget to get some fresh air every now and again.
With a little discipline, working from home can be really beneficial to your productivity and well being. And just think, when your colleagues are stuck in peak hour traffic you've already signed off for the day.
Set boundaries. Post your office hours on the front door if need be. Let people know that just because your home doesn’t mean you’re available.
Get dressed for work. Go to your workspace, close the door and ignore the housework.
Establish a routine. Just as you would in the office, plan your day. Have a to-do list and tick of tasks as you complete them.
Network. Just because you work from home, don't let your professional network fade away. Schedule time to attend events and lock in professional development opportunities.
Schedule breaks. Designate breaks and stick to them. Don't forget to get some fresh air every now and again.
With a little discipline, working from home can be really beneficial to your productivity and well being. And just think, when your colleagues are stuck in peak hour traffic you've already signed off for the day.
Thanks for the great tips. Might find getting dressed a tough one when my pyjamas are so darn comfy :)