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Showing posts from February, 2020

Why I don't post photos of my kids online

There is a lot of controversy today with new advice suggesting we should ask our toddlers permission before posting photos online. While I think that is all kinds of ridiculous and the decision belongs to parents and no one else I do get asked often why I don’t share images of Daisy and now also Lucas on social media.  I was an early adopter of social media and managed accounts way before it became a job title. I’ve seen the good, the bad and downright ugly. Something that can form amazing communities can also wreck people’s lives in more ways then one. Before I had the kids Steve and I discussed what our decision would be in terms of social media. At first he didn’t mind either way but as time has gone on he is totally on board with maintaining their privacy. One question I’ve been asked was, ‘Do you not take photos of your kids? Of course I do. The photos I do post are usually just the bloopers from the 255 I’ve taken of their faces. My iCloud has about 10 000 photos a